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Nicolle Wallace Slams ‘Cheap Fake’ Videos But Forgets What Happened When She Interviewed Biden


The left is hitting DEFCON 1-level freakout over videos of Biden lately, and there is a reason for it.

Biden’s campaign is having serious issues, and the White House is doing everything it can to shore up its base because some reports claim that Biden is losing in normally dominant Democratic demographics.

There was also a devastating Wall Street Journal report, which used Democrat members of Congress as sources to detail that Biden is having cognitive issues. Additionally, there have been mumbling reports from donors concerned about Joe’s abilities.

So what does Biden’s team do? Tell their base (that will believe anything they tell them) that these videos of Biden aren’t true and that they are “cheap fakes.”

They had to give their base something to combat the videos with because they are devastating. I didn’t even think the most recent one with Obama guiding Joe off the stage was that bad. It’s like “thank God they finally got someone to get him off stage without looking like a dithering idiot.”

The clips from the G7 Summit, though, were devastating.

The White House is creating a conspiracy to calm their base down, which gave the media marching orders. Outlets from the Washington Post to MSNBC are claiming that videos of Biden are “cheap-fakes.”

Including MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace.

Yup, Wallace wants you to know that “There’s a growing & insidious trend in right-wing media … to take highly misleading & selectively edited videos of Pres. Biden … and use those videos to spread messages virally to cast doubt on Pres. Biden’s fitness for office.”

So this weird exchange would be what Wallace would say isn’t real. Folks, just watch the video, then watch everyone’s reaction in the background.

Want some irony?

The Biden team is whining about something they’ve been doing for months.

From the Washington Post:

Earlier this week, we examined three videos — including one by the Trump campaign — that met our standards for manipulated video. But the Biden campaign isn’t shy about playing the same game of video trickery.

Later the Post said that the video meant to attack Trump over his handling of the pandemic was “missing context”:

The video is unaltered, but the way it is presented to the viewer lacks or misstates the context in which events occurred. In this specific case, this is an example of what we labeled as “isolation” — a brief clip from a longer video to create a false narrative that does not reflect the event as it occurred.


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