Dailmail Releases Poll


There has been much discussion about Biden and his poor approval numbers. Democrat strategists like James Carville are sounding the alarms.

A new poll has come out that is worse than Democrats could have ever expected. It’s just that Biden is terrible; he may have destroyed the entire brand.

Recently, the Dailymail published a poll that showed if former First Lady Michelle Obama jumped into the race, she would be down in the polls by the same margin Biden is to former President Trump.

The idea of Michelle running has been floated and this might be why she never jumped in.

The J.L Partners/DailyMail poll found that 47 percent of the 1,000 likely voter respondents would back Trump over Michelle Obama, who got about 44 percent. The poll did not break down the other respondents:

From Breitbart News:

This margin is identical to the three-point margin between Trump and Biden in the same poll, though Trump takes a slightly higher percentage of support against Obama, whom pundits have floated as a potential alternative to Biden for Democrats. Trump leads Biden 46 percent to 43 percent.

J.L Partners cofounder James Johnson said to the Dailymail, “Voters are no more keen to vote for Michelle over Trump than they are for Biden, with Trump beating her overall and even with Independents.”

“It was never very realistic, but this poll puts paid to the idea she can be any kind of saving force for the Democrats,” he added.

In January of 2024, Obama said she was ,”terrified about what could possibly happen” should Trump win.

“The fact that people think that: ‘Government, does it really even do anything?’ And I’m like, ‘Oh my God, does government do everything for us,’” Obama said in part. “And we cannot take this democracy for granted. And sometimes, I worry that we do.”

Folks, this is embarrassing for Democrats, the queen of the Democratic is trailing behind Trump.

The Daily Mail did not report their method for conducting the poll.


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